

每年, 海外教育中心 (CEA)和 国际事务办公室 (ISO),单位内 全球参与办公室,给 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 students the opportunity to tap into their inner photographer. 通过他们各自的摄影比赛, CEA和ISO要求学生提交“城市景观和景观”和“UR体验”等类别的杰出代表.”

Photo entries capture the beauty of the students’ surroundings, 他们所沉浸的文化, the human—and sometimes animal—connections they made, and the memorable or otherwise singular aspects of their experiences. 而获奖照片则是CEA和ISO在2023-24学年的亮点, 在那个时代 无限的可能性, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场2030年战略计划, 他们还提供了迷人的例子,说明为什么大学寻求在奖学金支持和体验式学习方面进一步投资.

在接下来的六年里,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的目标是 enhance and enrich its undergraduate and graduate education by leaning into the learning students do outside the classroom, 比如出国留学, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, 和奖学金.

In 2023, 大学派出约350名学生到35个国家参加海外教育项目,同时为超过3名学生提供学术家园,000名国际学生. 今年的CEA和ISO摄影比赛吸引了49名国际学生和54名出国旅行的学生的参赛作品. 以下是提交的九张最佳照片. 
A brown horse grazes in a sunlit forest clearing surrounded by tall trees. A mountain peak is visible in the background under a clear sky.意大利种马
Julia Schiavoni, 25岁,生物化学专业

Believe it or not, this photo is not AI-generated, and the horse is not a paid actor. 25岁的朱莉娅·斯齐亚沃尼(Julia Schiavoni)在波卡迪卡多尔(Borca Di Cadore)徒步旅行时创作了这张值得张贴海报的照片, 意大利, while participating in a summer 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 program with Rochester professor 南希的下巴. 多年来, Chin带着对公共卫生感兴趣的本科生小组来到这里. The mountain posing in the background of Schiavoni’s photo is Mount Antelao, 东白云石山脉最高的山峰, 位于Cortina d’ampezzo东南部, 是2026年冬季奥运会的举办地. 这是一个重要的里程碑,因为这次旅行调查了该地区旅游业与社会正义问题之间的关系.

Apart from visiting Canada, this was Schiavoni’s first time abroad. “This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone in many ways,她说。. “我很幸运能与这么多才华横溢、经验丰富的专家在这个领域合作.”

Three young people covered in colorful powder stand outdoors, 微笑和拥抱, 背景是树.
Ivan Gomez ʼ27, business and film and media studies

3月25日, 2024, 标志着胡里节的开始, the Hindu festival of colors that celebrates the end of winter, 爱, and the triumph of good over the evil king Hiranyakashipu. 他希望每个人都崇拜他, 有一个故事是关于他和他妹妹的, 霍利嘉, 密谋杀害他的儿子, 毗湿奴的追随者).

这个节日很有趣. People celebrate by burning pyres (a symbolic thumbing of the nose at Hiranyakashipu), 跳舞, 和熄灭 一切 通过抛撒粉末(gulal)和溅水. 这张照片拍摄的是27岁的伊万·戈麦斯和他的朋友保拉和玛蒂娜在坦桑尼亚的莫希.

Although he calls Chile home, Gomez spent two years living in Tanzania. 罗彻斯特吸引他的是该校国际学生的规模,以及学习电影和商业的机会, 他觉得这很不寻常. “At the same time, it was also about scholarships,他说. 戈麦斯是该计划的受益者 戴维斯联合世界大学奖学金计划.

A vibrant nighttime cityscape of Singapore with lightning striking the sky. The illuminated skyline features the Marina Bay Sands hotel, 莲花形的艺术科学博物馆, 还有闪闪发光的新加坡摩天轮, 一切都映在宁静的水面上.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time. 地点:新加坡滨海湾. Charlie Lu ' 27在海湾东花园的步道上捕捉到了这一令人敬畏的闪电. Most prominently featured are the 57-story towers of the resort Marina Bay Sands, the petal-shaped design of the Art科学 Museum, 和新加坡摩天观景轮, one of the largest observation wheels in the world. Lu, 新加坡人, 是在探亲, and a friend offered to show him this spot to photograph the resort. (多好的提示啊!)

一个正在上升的大三学生, 陆计划在回国后充实自己的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场和实习经历,并更多地了解澳门威尼斯人网上赌场当地的文化. 他选择澳门威尼斯人网上赌场是因为它的开放课程. 他说:“我想探索不同的兴趣,而不受课程限制的阻碍。. “So far, my favorite experience has been taking Intro to Japanese.”

人塔是由一群人站在有柱子的历史建筑前组成的. 在楼顶可以看到旗帜. 塔底很宽, 到达顶部时逐渐变窄, 有几个层次的参与者. 围观者聚集在周围.巴塞罗那人塔
艾比·斯特格24岁,大脑 & 认知科学与统计学

那些认为人类金字塔是人类建筑巅峰的人可能不知道城堡. 城堡是人塔,有九到十层楼高,传统上是在西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区的加泰罗尼亚节日中建造的. 阿比·斯特格24在圣诞老人Eulàlia节上拍摄了巴塞罗那正在建造的城堡.

Festivals like that are one of the reasons why Strugger chose IES Abroad Barcelona. “巴塞罗那什么都有,”她说. “是山. 这是海滩. It’s the city in the middle, and even within Spain, it has a unique culture.”

In addition to the classes she took within her program, Strugger took two classes at Pompeu Fabra University, allowing her to have a more authentic college campus experience. 她建议其他人也这样做:“你可以看到城市的其他地方,遇到不仅仅是留学生的学生.”

攀岩者:穿着攀岩装备的人, 包括头盔和冰爪, 冰在两堵高高的冰墙之间攀爬吗. They are using ice axes and are secured by ropes. 背景中的天空清澈明亮.
在冰岛的时候 . . .
Anastasia Thran 25岁,生物学专业

在欧洲国家参加海外教育的最大好处之一是可以接触到欧洲大陆的其他地方. 安娜斯塔西娅·瑟兰25岁, a participant in IES Abroad London at University College London (UCL), saw more than 10 other countries outside England. 在为期一周的伦敦大学学院假期中,Thran决定开始检查遗愿清单上的经历. She booked a trip to Iceland and scheduled several excursions, 包括在西尔弗拉裂缝浮潜和在Sólheimajökull冰川上爬冰. 后者在上面的照片中被捕捉到.

While studying in London made adventuring through Europe easier for Thran, she had strong academic reasons for deciding to attend UCL. “他们在英国拥有强大的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场实力,她说。, ,并成为一个直接招生项目, 给了我更多的灵活性. 对于像我这样的生物专业学生来说,很难找到有适用课程的项目.”
一个由六个不同的毕业生组成的小组, 戴着帽子, 礼服, 还有正装, 在一个阳光明媚的日子里,在郁郁葱葱的绿树环绕的历史建筑前,欢快地摆出庆祝的姿势. They are smiling and striking playful poses, exuding excitement and pride.

如果从毕业帽上看不清楚的话, the students in this photo are glowing because they just graduated from Rochester. 他们可能也很高兴不用花钱拍这张照片. 感谢阿达什·库马尔和 国际学生协会 (ISA), 作为ISA的一部分,这些学生和其他40多名国际学生收到了这一重要人生成就的高质量照片 毕业摄影倡议.

Kumar took all the photos himself—in fact, the photo above is his 第二次获奖作品 去参加ISO摄影比赛. 然而,他并不是学艺术的. A native of Varanasi, India, Kumar chose Rochester to study artificial intelligence. “澳门威尼斯人网上赌场对人工智能的优势在于,他们提供了数量充足、种类繁多的人工智能选修课, allowing me to complete my computer science degree with an AI concentration. 在我的国家, 我只能在攻读硕士或博士学位的同时,适当地探索像AI这样的专业领域.”

一座宏伟的巴洛克风格的白色大教堂,有着巨大的绿色圆顶和双柱,映衬着清澈的蓝天. The building is beautifully reflected in a calm, 前景是一池清澈的水, 人们聚集在它的基地周围.选择巴洛克风格
Elizabeth Garijo-Garde ʼ24 (T5), music and public health

维也纳, 奥地利, 作为约瑟夫·哈丁、古斯塔夫·马勒等著名作曲家的家乡和工作场所,这座城市的遗产赢得了“音乐之城”的称号. 这座古典音乐之都是伊丽莎白·加里乔·加德(Elizabeth Garijo-Garde)的梦想之地。, 谁拉了15年的大提琴. IES Abroad 维也纳 became the opportunity to make her long-awaited pilgrimage.

上图中的巴洛克风格的美是圣. 查理教堂(Karlskirche). Garijo-Garde and her roommate attended a performance of Vivaldi’s 四个季节 弦乐四重奏. Her favorite experience was a day trip to the 奥地利n Alps, ending with an evening performance by the 维也纳 Philharmonic in the Musikverein.

“It was emblematic of what the study abroad experience was for me,她说。. “我去看了莫扎特的公寓, 贝多芬的公寓, where Vivaldi lived—一切 I’ve studied for so long just came to life.”

一个人站在晴朗的天空下,辽阔而平静的大海上,水面一直延伸到地平线. 他们的倒影在水面上可见,创造了一个宁静祥和的场景.


澳门威尼斯人网上赌场地区的居民距离伊利湖大约有一个小时的路程, 对五指湖的影响更小, 对一些人来说, 离安大略湖只有一箭之遥. 这很容易被视为理所当然, so someone from Rochester might not guess this is a photo of Ontario Beach Park.

24岁的苗宇培(音译)带着他的无人机沿着湖岸在日落时分飞行,他偶然发现了这个不知名的人,他可能正在经历一个深刻的存在时刻,也可能在为一副丢失的太阳镜默念片刻. (解释取决于观众.)

原产于西安, 中国, Miao recently completed an MS in business analytics at Simon Business School. There is no shortage of reasons students make this decision; one of the deciding factors for Miao was technical. “西蒙将教你如何使用Python,他说, referring to the general-purpose programming language. “I also enjoy the extraordinary diversity at Rochester.”

A striking orange sunset illuminates the peak of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, 高大的树木环绕. 下面清澈平静的水面映衬着深蓝色的天空,映衬着生机勃勃的岩层.

Stella Fu’24,商业营销 

也许只有最忠诚的国家公园爱好者才能认出这个岩层, pictured doing an impression of a setting sun as Yosemite National Park’s Half Dome. 这是在哨兵桥拍摄的. After spending some time on the park’s Mist Trail, Stella Fu ' 24徒步到桥上,拍摄了这张令人惊叹的黄金时刻的著名岩基照片.

Fu had heard visiting the park during the summer was particularly rewarding, 但那是指瀑布. Apparently, it’s also an excellent time for photo making.

原产北京, 中国, Fu chose to study in the US because it offered the most academic flexibility. She was drawn to Rochester by its open curriculum, which allowed her to explore a range of subjects in her first and second years. “My time at Rochester has been filled with memorable experiences,她说。, 就像在苏珊·B的屁股上滑雪一样. (Anthony大厅).”
